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the latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in k-12 education. we answer questions before you think to ask them.

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district leadership  |  strategic planning

transforming how one school district approaches strategic planning: a collaborative journey between the school district of newberry county and 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率

as students and districts around the country begin the new school year, we are excited to share an inspiring story of how the school district of newberry county, south carolina, in partnership with 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 , is launching this school year with a powerful new strategic plan. there are two key lessons worth sharing which helped drive purposeful change and set a course for a clear and coherent journey ahead.

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blog feature

district leadership  |  school leadership

8 skills to become an effective responsive leader

picture this...you are a principal conducting a classroom observation, witnessing a teacher skillfully utilize data to drive instruction, and form small groups tailored to individual student needs. suddenly, a crackling voice interrupts through the walkie-talkie, demanding your attention.you are needed in room 203 for a discipline matter, then in the girls' 5th grade bathroom for a busted pipe, and finally, to join an iep meeting. maybe this scenario also sounds familiar: you are a district leader, and you are in a strategy meeting to discuss the implementation of a new curriculum, yet you don’t have all of the key players in the room or a clear timeline to make decisions yet you continue to meet and get nothing accomplished.

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blog feature

district leadership

instructional frameworks are vital to school district success

imagine a school district as a ship navigating the vast and ever-changing ocean of education. just as sailors rely on the north star to navigate across uncharted waters, school districts can best stay on course with their own guiding light, an instructional framework.

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blog feature

district leadership  |  teacher retention

prioritizing teachers' growth and passions: creating a sustainable and engaged teaching team

the constantly evolving education landscape makes nurturing educators' development a crucial priority. the success of schools and districts depends on designing successful, meaningful, and innovative professional development experiences that ignite teachers' passion for continuous improvement.

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blog feature

district leadership  |  teacher retention

increasing teacher agency leads to better decisions & happier teachers

as students across the county prepare for the start of a new school year, conversations about how to address our national teacher shortage are becoming more frequent and urgent. many educators are calling for this conversation to be rebranded as a “teacher walkout” to highlight that teachers are leaving the field as a way to protest a system not built to empower them as decision-makers and innovators. this shift in language – from “teacher shortage” to “teacher walkout” – illuminates a key design element that districts can leverage proactively to respond to retention challenges: teacher agency.

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blog feature

district leadership  |  瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率  |  school leadership  |  strategic planning

3 key strategies to improve school performance

schools across the country work tirelessly to provide positive educational experiences for their students, staff, and the larger community. yet, there are times when they fall short of this goal. they may experience high teacher turnover, a poor school climate, and low student achievement, just to name a few challenges. in our work, we see that with the right support systems in place, we can collectively improve school performance and meet the needs of students and educators. here are three valuable strategies you can leverage to achieve transformative improvements:

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