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we've done this work before
瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 has a stellar reputation for working alongside districts to address the stickiest questions over the last several years.

many of the districts that we work with say that without the impact of 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 they would not be where they are right now. 

ed elements' honesty and their ability to help us map out a plan was what we really needed. they're able to really challenge us to think outside the box and move further.

rosalie daca, chief academic officer

ed elements prepared us well for this new normal that we are visiting temporarily. it gave us tools, the mindset, and preparedness that we needed to shift our paradigm for these times. our kids were also prepared for the new and temporary landscape! so, thank you, thank you, thank you!

renee dawson, principal

we need to make sure we are not static.

jose dotres, superintendent & former chro, miami-dade county public schools

learn more about our approach to leadership and organizational strategy and support
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habits that drive great teams

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early in my career, when i was a middle school science teacher in charlotte, north carolina...


why does being a responsive team matter

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being a responsive team means innovating and iterating through failures and successes.


why planning often fails

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three tips to develop a strong, effective and resilient strategic plan.

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advancing educational equity in times of political crisis

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one tool that districts can use to advance educational equity in times of political crisis is setting a “big hairy audacious goal,” or bhag. this term was coined by jim collins and jerry i. porras in the book built to last: successful habits of visionary companies. it refers to a goal...

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new school rules

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a guide for leaders who want to create environments of growth, excitement, and passion.


new team habits

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a guide for creating responsive teams based on the best-selling book 卡塔尔世界杯32强比赛时间


let's chat about how we can help