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personalized learning blog

b.y.o.t bring your own thoughts

k-12 education resources

the latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in k-12 education. we answer questions before you think to ask them.

maggie hodge

maggie hodge is the director of consulting services, and was previously a senior design principal at 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 supporting schools and districts around the country in strategic planning and responsive leadership development. she began her career in education as a kindergarten teacher in new orleans public schools, and has also served as an rti coordinator, school leader, and district level leader in traditional public schools and charter schools in san francisco, new orleans, and austin. in her spare time maggie can be found spending time with her husband and two children, traveling, or enjoying all that her home of austin, tx has to offer.

blog feature

district leadership  |  school leadership  |  teachers

3 strategies for leading and living with a gratitude mindset

i recently returned to work from parental leave after adding a healthy and happy baby to our now family of four. my parental leave included a multitude of experiences, ranging from the tranquility of morning stroller walks to the inevitable sleepless nights, and from supporting our toddler in adapting to the arrival of the new baby to the constant rhythm of diaper changes. this period also included the adventure of a 6-state road trip, bringing forth a spectrum of emotions including joy, love, frustration, overwhelm, and sheer exhaustion. as my family and i enter this new phase of our lives, we are navigating unfamiliar, and at times, choppy waters. amidst the shifts, trials, and uncertainties that accompany change, i have consistently sought solace and steadiness in a mindset grounded in gratitude. in order to ensure that thankfulness has staying power, regardless of what life has in store, consider applying one of these three strategies to lead and live with a gratitude mindset.

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