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equity  |  innovative leadership  |  strategic planning

5 tips for building a profile of a graduate

graduate profiles are becoming increasingly popular in districts and can function in a multitude of ways. from formulating the basis for an instructional vision to getting started with performance based grading, graduate profiles clearly articulate outcomes for learners and provide critical guidance for staff and leaders. what is a profile of a graduate? a graduate profile may also be referred to as portrait of a graduate, profile of a graduate, journey of a graduate, or journey of a learner. the precise term is not as important as the way in which it was created, and how it functions within your district or school community. at 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 we believe in the importance of building and creating a profile collaboratively; that the process of creation is, in fact, just as important as the end product. we also believe that when designing a graduate profile, it is important to do so with a student-centered approach. read the following five tips for planning that will lead to an impactful and relevant graduate profile that your community is excited about.

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blog feature

equity  |  new school design  |  strategic planning

grading for equity: one school’s approach to increasing student ownership and success

this school year, portland public schools (pps) launched a multi-year strategic plan for educational equity, inclusion, and excellence with the core belief that the student experience needs to be reimagined. pps’ district-wide focus spotlighted the middle school experience, where data revealed – regardless of metric – that students are not being adequately prepared for high school and beyond. meisha plotzke, senior director, middle grade academics and middle school innovation and redesign, partnered with 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 asking, “how do we redesign the middle-school experience so that every student, and in particular our black and native students, deeply engages in strong instruction, with grade appropriate assignments, grounded in high teacher expectations, and personalized, integrated supports?”

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equity  |  surveys

the importance of the dei survey

in late may of 2020, as our country battled the coronavirus, the murder of george floyd sent shockwaves through many communities, across the united states. in fact, his murder galvanized millions of americans to examine structural and institutional inequities particularly for black americans, but also across race, gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic status – a renewed focus not seen since the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

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blog feature

district leadership  |  equity  |  school leadership

leading with equity: how to take the first steps

i believe that all students, especially black and brown students, deserve an academically rigorous education that affords them opportunities and experiences that will prepare them to lead a successful life. that said, inequity and disparity exist within our educational system that prevents that from occurring, which is why, among other reasons, it is critical to lead with equity.

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瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率  |  equity  |  teams & culture

why i joined the ed elements team

in my 22 years in the k-12 education profession, i have worked for, and led organizations that run the gamut - from those that are very process and compliance driven, to those that multiply and engage creativity. and yet, after experiencing, what some consider the ultimate freedom of being my own boss, i am excitedly joining the 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 team.

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瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率  |  equity  |  organizational leadership & change management

where change begins

i was recently struck by a piece by elena aguilar, the “coach’s coach,” about acting in one’s sphere of influence to create change. she writes that when looking at making change in the world, the best place to start is within one’s sphere of influence. in other words, systemic change is not just a collective responsibility, it’s also an individual responsibility.

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