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the latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in k-12 education. we answer questions before you think to ask them.

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remote work  |  school leadership  |  teacher retention

4 practices to immediately improve the teacher experience in your school

there are 88 million opportunities in the human genome for trait variations to make us unique, but when it comes to what we seek in the workplace, neuroscience suggests most humans crave the same three things – safety, belonging, and a sense of mattering. this is hardly news; abraham maslow wrote about these same needs in his 1943 paper on human motivation, and a quick scan of nearly any company’s glassdoor reviews will highlight these variables. the past year challenged the way nearly every organization approached these needs. lack of personal connection, the inability to ‘disconnect’ from work, and whose health and safety are prioritized rank among a laundry list of complaints with today’s employee experience. and when it comes to the field of education, the pandemic doubled down on pre-existing conditions within the teacher experience.

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blog feature

remote work  |  school leadership  |  teachers

teachers and burnout: what to do when you can’t change the world

it’s december. we made it to the end of 2020 – a spectacularly stressful year, no matter who you are, what you do, or where you live. as the months ticked by, though, it became clear that the chaos of the year placed almost unbearable levels of stress on some professions, educators among them. as schools wind down for winter break in the midst of a national spike in covid-19 numbers, it may be a good time to deconstruct and consider burnout, what it looks like, what causes it, and what we can do about it.

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district leadership  |  remote work  |  school leadership  |  teachers  |  virtual learning

building community through a virtual road race

this fall, 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 hosted our first ever virtual distance learning road race. the rationale was simple - we wanted to create a space to promote mental and physical wellness, model best practices for virtual community building, and give back to our partners and community. admittedly, the ‘race’ was more of a running challenge, encouraging participants to commit to running a final distance of their choosing and engage with us over six weeks of challenges between september to november.

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blog feature

remote work  |  teams & culture

being you in the “new” workplace

i'll be honest here--after my college years, any chance of me being a dedicated night owl pretty much flew out the window. late-night five-page papers in courier new font were only temporary. now, when i stay up late, it is usually a result of an itch i need to scratch. i have a piece of writing or a level of flat out curiosity about the work i do. surprisingly, nights like those come way more often, and each one leaves an intriguing morsel lingering on my brain.

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blog feature

remote work  |  teacher retention  |  teachers

virtual recruitment through covid-19 and beyond

the worldwide response to covid-19 is creating unforeseen challenges and virtual changes for every aspect of our education system. long-standing pillars such as curriculum and instruction, operations, and accountability, among others, are all being tested under the weight of the pandemic response.

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blog feature

remote work  |  teachers  |  virtual learning

zoom fatigue? try our best practices for virtual classroom facilitation

in a single month in 2020, the unthinkable happened. students in all 50 united states were impacted by school closures. districts pivoted to short-term responses and initial guidelines for at-home learning. now, a month after the coronavirus pandemic effectively halted traditional education for more than 50 million students, most districts have implemented or are in the process of implementing virtual learning plans and teachers across the country are finding creative ways to continue instruction through a screen.

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